Retail $8,376.00

Item Number GFT0010
Display contains: 2,400 stickers. Cost $1.25 - $1.50 each, sell @ $2.99-$3.99 each. This spinning counter display holds 1,200 large and 1,200 small stickers. There are 24 large designs and 24 small designs. Each sticker is peggable and barcoaded and arrives ready to sell straight out of the box! Pricing stickers are also included! Stickers are 6 mil total (vinyl & laminate are 3 mil each). Outdoor rated material with a 5-7 year rating. Can be applied to anything with a smooth firm surface; car windows, bumpers, coolers, laptops, water bottles and even sporting equiptment like skateboards, surfboards, skis, and helmets. The metal display ships fully stock and ready to unbox and sell!Display is 11" x 11" x 26"
- Catalog Page: 1132
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